Avatars are used to represent the user, in social networking, games and generally on technological items. An avatar is better known as being a cartoon like character image that an individual creates, which in someway represents themselves and their character. An avatar is most commonly seen as being a cartoon image; however it can be words, as in the name you give yourself on a social networking site or an email address. Avatars are usually chosen by the individual and represent them in some way, however physically they do not usually show much resemblance.
Avatars act as a sort of telephone number, therefore allowing others to find the user; this acts as a social function of avatars, because they are enabling others to identify the individual, through an image, which resembles them as a person. The social function of them, in this context, is that they show others who this person is and enables the audience to understand this person. The avatar creates assumptions about the individual who created it. The psychological function of this is the process of the user creating their avatar, and in what way they create it and the different decisions they make within the process, and how the outcome represents themselves.
When we look at an avatar, we look at its other meanings, as if it were a sign, as they are a form of language and they operate as a sign system that can be read in semiotic terms. This term, is neither social nor psychological. It is based on language, and communication, as when we look at an avatar, we almost look at it as if it were a person, because we try to find meanings and connotations, by just looking at the exterior. The way the avatar, which is the signifier, points to the user; the signified, therefore creating a sign, follows the same concept as above, because they are both linguistic and based on the way we connect and perceive something when we look at it.
Although, avatars are supposed to represent the user, they are very often used in a way that shows the gap between the avatar and the user, because users like that their avatar is very different from themselves. This is a psychological function of an avatar, because it allows people to represent themselves within a social network, or in a game, but not show their real identity, and hide behind an avatar, as if it is an escape from reality, or being someone who they wish they were in reality. Some users, create their avatars in a way that they are totally different from themselves in reality, as an escape and way of hiding themselves, however some decide to instil certain qualities into their avatar to represent themselves in that certain environment, this is a social and psychological function, as you are representing yourself how you chose, firstly so you fit into that particular environment, and secondly in an escapist way.
The use of an avatar creates a way that you, the user can distance yourself from reality, and fictionalise yourself, therefore using the method of pretending to be someone else in a virtual environment, as a way of escaping your real identity.
An avatar, works as a visual representation, which enables you to take part in online activities, therefore it acts as a social tool, however as well as being a social tool, it is also psychological, because you can change the visual of your avatar, to be fitting with the `perfect person`, or how you believe `perfect`, to be perceived.
Although, we believe avatars, to be fictionalised cartoons, they also come in the form of a profile picture; that being an actual image of you, on social networking sites such as face book. It is a way, of showing others certain aspects of you that you believe are valued and inspirational within that society. This is both social and psychological, as it is a way of fitting in with certain social groups because of our appearance and the way we present ourselves and also the way we believe we should look.
“Teens often fabricate key identifying information like name, age and location to protect themselves”, Danah Boyd. This quotation, shows that as teenagers, we will give out key pieces of information about ourselves, in order to protect ourselves. We could give out information like where we live, to protect ourselves, because of how that certain environment is perceived and its reputation.
Avatars act as a sort of telephone number, therefore allowing others to find the user; this acts as a social function of avatars, because they are enabling others to identify the individual, through an image, which resembles them as a person. The social function of them, in this context, is that they show others who this person is and enables the audience to understand this person. The avatar creates assumptions about the individual who created it. The psychological function of this is the process of the user creating their avatar, and in what way they create it and the different decisions they make within the process, and how the outcome represents themselves.
When we look at an avatar, we look at its other meanings, as if it were a sign, as they are a form of language and they operate as a sign system that can be read in semiotic terms. This term, is neither social nor psychological. It is based on language, and communication, as when we look at an avatar, we almost look at it as if it were a person, because we try to find meanings and connotations, by just looking at the exterior. The way the avatar, which is the signifier, points to the user; the signified, therefore creating a sign, follows the same concept as above, because they are both linguistic and based on the way we connect and perceive something when we look at it.
Although, avatars are supposed to represent the user, they are very often used in a way that shows the gap between the avatar and the user, because users like that their avatar is very different from themselves. This is a psychological function of an avatar, because it allows people to represent themselves within a social network, or in a game, but not show their real identity, and hide behind an avatar, as if it is an escape from reality, or being someone who they wish they were in reality. Some users, create their avatars in a way that they are totally different from themselves in reality, as an escape and way of hiding themselves, however some decide to instil certain qualities into their avatar to represent themselves in that certain environment, this is a social and psychological function, as you are representing yourself how you chose, firstly so you fit into that particular environment, and secondly in an escapist way.
The use of an avatar creates a way that you, the user can distance yourself from reality, and fictionalise yourself, therefore using the method of pretending to be someone else in a virtual environment, as a way of escaping your real identity.
An avatar, works as a visual representation, which enables you to take part in online activities, therefore it acts as a social tool, however as well as being a social tool, it is also psychological, because you can change the visual of your avatar, to be fitting with the `perfect person`, or how you believe `perfect`, to be perceived.
Although, we believe avatars, to be fictionalised cartoons, they also come in the form of a profile picture; that being an actual image of you, on social networking sites such as face book. It is a way, of showing others certain aspects of you that you believe are valued and inspirational within that society. This is both social and psychological, as it is a way of fitting in with certain social groups because of our appearance and the way we present ourselves and also the way we believe we should look.
“Teens often fabricate key identifying information like name, age and location to protect themselves”, Danah Boyd. This quotation, shows that as teenagers, we will give out key pieces of information about ourselves, in order to protect ourselves. We could give out information like where we live, to protect ourselves, because of how that certain environment is perceived and its reputation.
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